Aataveith is the name of the fictional world I've been creating for over 10 years now. It features magic, action, romance, and comedy- hopefully.
I'm currently writing a script for Book One of my graphic novel, out of three. Wish me luck! :)

Aataveith is a fantasy world where magic flows all around: the Hud.
Those with Hud in their veins are Elfennels, divided between four elements: Air, Water, Earth and Fire.
Then there's the Humans and their own ways of threading Hud to craft powerful magic spells.
20 years ago the human mages of Ker Och brought a terrible curse upon them, the Fall, a bottomless pit dividing the Northern lands in two.
The Heir of those mages is now trying to find a way to restore their forgotten honor and legacy.
His quest lands him in Irizula, a powerful city, home of the Enkas, a guild of Hunters battling the Savach, wild beasts roaming the woods.

· Tham, the chaotic leader of this quest ·
· Cecilia, the clever Elfennel friend/bodyguard ·
· Bali, the Enka Captain standing in their way ·
· Ishal, the Enka recruit stuck between two sides ·
· Chan, the mischievous guide who ends up needing rescuing ·